Hotmail Login

Looking for Hotmail Login or Hotmail Sign in Help ?

Great, you are on right page where we will help you with hotmail sign in problems. Before we jump to help section here is short information about Hotmail, if you want to skip this you can scroll down for the help instructions available. is a popular free email hosting service by Microsoft.

Either it’s a email address or email address or or email address all these alias represent to Microsoft’s email hosting service. All these alias email address can be logged in via and today we are talking about Hotmail which is an alias of Microsoft email system. These email services work on desktop, android mobiles, iPhones, ipad and other mobile devices easily so you can check your email and write a mail to someone you need to send a message.

Here in this post we will be talking about hotmail login, hotmail sign in problems, how to troubleshoot them and some more help tips regarding hotmail login. The most important thing is you need a hotmail account at first so we can help you to troubleshoot with your hotmail login problems. If you don’t have an account you can head over to  and create a new hotmail email for your use.

hotmail login
Image: login page, existing email users can login by filling the form as shown and new users can click on the Signup now button at the bottom to create a new account.

Now here are some problems that you might face with hotmail login. We will be discussing more on hotmail sign in problems with necessary solutions in this post.

  • hotmail login / hotmail sign in : Are you unsure where should you login with your hotmail username and password ? Well don’t worry if you are using your laptop or desktop then simple open a browser and type or if you are from UK you can type in the address bar and hit Enter. Once the web page loads there you can enter your hotmail sign in email address example: [email protected] and the password. Please note you should not forget to include the when entering the email else you will not be logged in to your hotmail email account.
  • hotmail login in mobile phone : So you want to login your hotmail email on your phone. The first thing to keep in mind is what type of phone you are using ? Is it a smartphone ? An android phone or an iPhone ? Depending on your mobile type there are ways to login your hotmail email in your mobile phone. If you are an android phone user then you should open the Google Playstore and download the Microsoft Outlook android app or there is also an unofficial app Connect for Hotmail developed just for hotmail login. If you are a iPhone or iPad user then there is no necessary to download any app. You can simply go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars and there you can click on Add Account. Now you can click on and in the next page enter your email address and password. Doing this will set your Hotmail account to your apple device and you can access it anytime just by clicking on Mail button for reading and sending emails. For other mobile device users you can find Hotmail app or Outlook app on and download your mobile phone compatible version so you can easily access your hotmail account.
  • hotmail Sign in and password problems: Sometime we forget our email password and when we try to login to our email address we don’t succeed. This lead us to problem so we keep trying to guess our password which if repeated numerous time may lead our hotmail account locked. So to prevent such conditions you must set password recovery options by setting some security questions or add an alternative email address or verify your mobile device once you create your hotmail account. Once you are done with this you should not worry if you forget your hotmail sign in password. Because now you can retrieve your hotmail login password using any one password recovery method that you set. But what if you didn’t set any password recovery option and you forgot your hotmail email password ? Well in that case you should go to this Password reset page and do as asked. As you don’t have set any of the recovery methods you can choose I don’t have any of these and proceed.  Now you will be asked to enter another email where Microsoft should contact you regarding your hotmail email, so you enter your another email address and click on Next. Now you will get an email from Microsoft with a verification code. Simply check your email and do as instructed.

hotmail sign in

Hope your problem with hotmail sign in is solved now. Please don’t forget to comment below if your problem was solved or if there is some thing more about hotmail login problem that you want us to add help information on.


1 Comment
  1. louise Wood says

    Hotmail I need to sign into my account. New phone and now says someone else is using me email address. But it was me on my tablet. There is no help from the unmonitored joke of a help desk. I have not changed my password in several years for this account. Still works for facebook. Unkind regards louise

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