Udna Deu by Suvash Sundas
Udna Deu is a new aadhunik melodious song by Suvash Sundas. The music video features Suvash, Sonia Shrestha and Dinesh Karki. Udna Deu is a Nepali song which is directed by Biran Magar. The music video was edited by Madhab Belbase and was cinematographed by Biran Magar.
The lyrics and music for this song was composed by Suvash Sundas and music video was arranged by Romi Basnet. The music video features model Sonia Shrestha. She is dazzling and one of the popular model of entertainment industry and performed many music videos. In Udna Deu, She performed with other handsome model Suvash and Dinesh Karki. This song want to deliver the message of freedom. This song want to show just living is not enough, one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. When you once listen this song, I am sure you will keep repeating it.
The music video is released officially online by HighlightsNepal via Youtube. Hope that you will enjoy this melodious aadhunik song Udna Deu.
Here is the lyrics for Udna Deu:
Aakhasa ma udheko panchi jhai
Hawa bheg sangai hidako
Badal jhai Udna Deu
Yo mann lai
Ramna deu yo mann laiBhau tariyeko chha
Bara liyeko chha
Nisasina chha
Aakhasa ma udhana khojhacha
Tara pankha batariyeko chha
Todhi deu yo bandan
Kholi deu yo bandan
Bachau yo mann
Bachau yo mann……Surya ko chamkilo
Chamkilo kiran jhai
Jharna ko nischal
Pani ko thopa jhai
Failina deu yo mann lai
Bagna deu yo mann laiBadiyeko chha jagadiyeko chha
Andakar ma bautariyeko chha
Ujhayalo ma badna khaojhacha
Tara jyoti damaliyeko chha
Todhi deu yo bandan
Kholi deu yo bandan
Bachau yo mann
Bachau yo mann
Bachau yo mann
Bachau yo mann
Bachau yo mann…………
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