Nepali Short Film – Between Matina

Watch Nepali short film “Between Matina” presented by NMag TV. The film is directed by Pranab Joshi, and is produced by Yubika Bhandari and Raja Ram Nepal. The work of editing in this film is done by Sushil Neupane, and is cinematographed by Ravi Sayami and Manash Singh Suwal. In this film Naswa Joshi has appeared as Matina, Aaresha Subedi as Kabita, Sunita Thakur as Matina’s mother, Ruman Joshi as Matina’s father, Ram Raja Bhomi as ‘Guvaju‘. “Between Matina” is a story about a girl, Matina who wanted to become ‘Kumari’, and believes herself as ‘Goddess Kumari’, and desires to take revenge from ‘Guvaju’, who didn’t let her attain her objective.

The film begins by showing Matina’s grandmother telling the story about Malla’s king and ‘Goddess Kumari’ to Matina and her friend Kabita. Matina’s best friend is Kabita with whom she shares everything and plays along with her. One day, while playing with Kabita, Matina collides with Guvaju, and he scolds her (in Newari). Next day, on the occasion of Gai Jatra, both of them see ‘Goddess Kumari’ and Matina, on next morning, tells her wish to become ‘Kumari’, and her mother says that it’s not easy to become ‘Kumari’ but can be worshipped on ‘Kumari Puja’. The same night, Matina looks herself in the mirror dressed as ‘Kumari’ and shows different behavior.

Later, an event is held for the selection of ‘Kumari’, but Manita couldn’t be selected, and Kabita gets selected as ‘Kumari’. As her wish couldn’t come true, she slowly starts developing a different personality in which she thinks herself as ‘Kumari’. As time passed, she had completely changed her personality. At last, Matina takes her revenge with ‘Guvaju’, who always discriminated her, tortured her. But, despites 8 years passed away, the old Matina couldn’t ever return.                       

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