Nepali Short Film – The Nice Guy?

Watch Nepali short film “The Nice Guy?” presented by MaZZako Entertainment. The film is directed by Subodh Thapa Magar and Moktan. The producer of the film is Hari Acharya. The film stars Subodh Thapa Magar as Sujal, Yogita Maharjan as Anna, Alisha Dhakal as Unknown, Subodh Moktan as Ravi, and Rashesh Shrestha as Lover Boy. The film portrays the story of friends who try to impress each other by doing their assignments and try to stand out as a nice guy.

The film begins by showing Sujal who is making the coffee hot and after a while gives a call to Anna informing that he has arrived to pick her up. After a moment Anna arrives and he handovers the coffee to her, later he gives a smoothie to her. Asking about Anna’s class, she replies that she has to submit an assignment by Saturday, but has a birthday party of his friend. In order to impress her, Sujal promises to do the assignment of Anna.

Next day, making the coffee hot for Anna, Sujal receives a call from unknown and says that he can’t come. After a moment, Anna says that she isn’t coming to school. Later, while he goes to give the coffee, he sees Anna with her lover boy, he goes to pick up unknown. Dropping unknown to school, Sujal makes excuse to handover the assignment to unknown, and she promises to do it.

On Friday, unknown reaches first at the house of birthday boy (Ravi), and after a while unknown says that she has to do the assignment but Ravi promises to do it. Later Sujal arrives and says that both of them will have till night, but Ravi says that he has to do her assignments. Sujal says that he too gave an assignment to a girl just to attend his birthday and asks her name and listening that, Ravi throws him out if his house, Later Anna arrives his home and offering her a drink, he asks her to leave so that he can complete his assignments. Anna says that she would like to see the assignments done by him, and regrets that she gave it to do to Sujal. Listening that, Ravi makes Anna out of his house.

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